
The International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM) is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this «Creative Commons «Attribution» International Public License ("Public License"). To the extent this public license may be interpreted as a contract, you are granted the licensed rights in consideration of your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the licensor grants you such rights in consideration of benefits the licensor receives from making the licensed material available under these terms and conditions.

  1. General statements

1.1 from the entry into force of this agreement the author (contributors) grants the publisher on a royalty-free basis, indefinitely, the rights to use the manuscript created by the author (contributors), with the title “___________”, approved and accepted for publication by the chief editor of the journal within the limits provided by this agreement, while retaining for the author (contributors) the right to the material. From the moment of signing the agreement the publisher has the right to use the article at his own discretion in any way that does not contradict the law.

1.2 the possibility of using the materials of the journal by third parties is governed by the creative commons "attribution" ("attribution") 4.0 international.

  1. Terms used in the agreement

Author (contributors) – the person (persons) by whose creative work the article was created.

The journal – International Journal of Business and Management

Publisher – International Emerging Scholars Society (IESS)

Publication site –

Publication – the process of publishing materials that have been submitted to the journal.

Journal editorial – editorial board of the international journal of business and management.

Article – the result of basic and applied scientific research in the form of manuscript, submitted by the author for publication in the journal.

Author requirements  – a list of requirements for the design, content, the order of submitting the article and accompanying documents to the editorial board of the international journal of business and management. These rules are obligatory for full and precise observance by the author when preparing and submitting the article to the editorial board of the journal. The rules for authors are posted on the journal's website.

Service – a set of services to prepare for the publication and publication of the article in the international journal of business and management on the basis of the author's application.

Parties – author and publisher.

  1. Subject of the agreement

3.1 under this agreement, the author grants the publisher and third parties independently engaged by the publisher to perform certain works in order to provide services under this agreement the non-exclusive right and the provisions of this agreement to use the material (article) created by the author for publication in the "international journal of business and management" and to post the published materials on the website free of charge.

3.2 the rights to use the article conveyed here under include, but are not limited to:

  • Reproduction of the article or any part of it in any material form, including paper and electronic media, as a separate work in journals and/or databases of the publisher and/or other persons, at the publisher's discretion.
  • Distribution of the article or any part thereof in English in any medium as part of the journal and/or databases of the publisher or other persons, at the publisher's discretion, or as an independent work all over the world.
  • Making the article, or a portion of it, available to the public in such a way that any person may access the article from any place and at any time of his own choosing (via the internet).
  • Placement of materials and metadata of the article in international electronic databases and citation indexing systems at the publisher's discretion.
  • Assignment of an international digital object identifier to the article (DOI).
  • The above as well as other rights not expressly granted to the publisher hereunder, including patent rights in any materials, processes, methods or techniques and the like described by the author in the article, as well as trademark rights, are reserved by the author. The territory in which the rights to the article may be used is not limited to.

3.4. The validity of this contract arises from the moment the article is submitted to the international journal of business and management.

3.5. The rights are transferred by the author to the publisher free of charge, and the publication of the article in the international journal of business and management does not entail any financial payments to the author.

3.6. In case the publisher makes a decision to refuse to publish the article in the internet edition, this agreement becomes invalid. The decision to refuse publication is sent to the author at the e-mail address indicated in the submission.

3.7. During the term of the agreement, the publisher undertakes to provide the author with services related to the publication of the article in the international journal of business and management.

3.8. The editorial board renders to the author a complex of services on preparation for publication and publication of the article (pre-checks of the submitted materials by the editorial staff, review of the scientific work by the members of the editorial board, check of the article materials for originality, literary and technical editing, proofreading, preparation of the pre-printed layout, publication of the article).

  1. General terms of service

4.1. The publisher provides services to the author only if the following conditions are met:

  • The author provided materials that meet the requirements for authors described on the journal site:

  • The author accepts the terms of this agreement.

4.2. The services are provided to the author under the terms and conditions indicated on the IJBM's website.

4.3. If materials are submitted by the author in violation of the rules and requirements for authors described on the IJBM site, the publisher has the right to return the material to the author for revision.

4.4. During the term of the contract, the publisher is not responsible for the unauthorized use of the data provided by the author by third parties.

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties

5.1. The author ensures that:

  • The author(s) is (are) the actual owner of the exclusive rights to the article; the article has not been and will not be sent for publication in other journals.
  • The manuscript contains all the references to the authors and/or publications (materials) cited, as required by the applicable copyright law;
  • The author has received all necessary permissions for the results, facts and other borrowed materials used in the article, the right holder of which is not the author;
  • The manuscript does not contain materials that are not subject to publication in the open access format.
  • The author has informed the other co-authors of the terms of this agreement and has obtained the consent of all co-authors to enter into this agreement on the terms and conditions provided for in the agreement.

5.2. The author is committed to:

  • Submit materials for the article to the publisher in accordance with the requirements for authors, published on the website of the journal.
  • Comply with this agreement and the provisions of the rules for authors and the stated editorial policies of the journal posted on the publisher's website:


Peer Review policy:

Plagiarism Policy:

 Retraction Guidelines:

 Privacy Statement:

 Open Access Statement:

Requirements for the design of the manuscript:

 5.3. The author has the right to use the materials of the article in any way not prohibited by relevant laws and this contract.

5.4. The publisher is committed to:

  • Subject to the author's compliance with the requirements contained in the rules for authors, receipt of positive results of scientific expertise and the decision of the editorial board on the possibility of publishing the article - to publish the author's article in the journal in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
  • To observe the rights of the author under the current legislation, as well as to protect them and to take all necessary measures to prevent copyright infringement by third parties.

5.5. The publisher has the right to

  • Perform technical and literary editing of the article, which does not change its main content.
  • Conduct an examination of the article and propose to the author to make the necessary changes, until which the article will not be published in IJBM.
  • Set the rules (terms) for accepting and publishing materials in the online edition. The editorial board of the journal has the exclusive right to select and/or reject materials sent to the editorial board for publication.
  • Suspend the provision of services under the agreement unilaterally without a court order in cases of:
  • If the manuscript does not correspond to the subject matter of the journal (or any of its parts), or the submitted material is insufficient for independent publication, or the design of the article does not meet the requirements.
  • Breach by the author of other obligations assumed under this agreement.
  • Make amendments to the agreement in accordance with the procedure established by the agreement.
  1. Acceptance of the terms of this agreement and its conclusion

6.1. This agreement becomes valid from the moment of its acceptance by the parties, when the author makes the acceptance of the agreement by sending the article (manuscript) through the service on the website and is accepted by the parties for an indefinite period of time.

6.2. Sending a manuscript through the service on the journal's website creates an agreement accepted by the parties on the terms of the offer.

6.3. The agreement comes into force from the moment the author submits the article through the service on the journal's website and is valid without limitation of time or until the termination of the agreement.

  1. The Procedure for Amending and Terminating the Agreement

7.1. The publisher has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this agreement by posting the amended text of the agreement on the journal's website. The changes come into force from the moment the text of the agreement is posted on the website of the journal.

7.2. If the author does not agree with the changes in the terms of this agreement, the author has the right to send the publisher a notice of withdrawal from this agreement. In the absence of a written notice from the author within 10 working days from the date of publication of the new text of the agreement on the website of the internet publication, the changes are considered as accepted by the author, and the agreement continues to operate with the changes made.

7.3. This agreement may be terminated prematurely:

  • By agreement of the parties at any time.
  • For other reasons provided for in this agreement and the relevant laws.

7.4. It is impossible to refuse to fulfil the terms of the contract after the publisher accepts the article for publication in the journal.

7.5. If the author refuses to fulfil the terms of the agreement at the stage of pre-printing preparation of the manuscript for publication, the author gets back the materials and all rights to the manuscript.

7.6. Termination of the agreement for any reason does not relieve the parties from liability for violations of the terms and conditions of the agreement that occurred during the term of its validity.

  1. Liability
  • All information provided by the author must be accurate. The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information he/she transmits to the publisher. The publisher will not be held liable for any negative consequences resulting from the use of unreliable information received from the author, based on the unreliable information provided.
  • The author is solely liable for compliance with the law on advertising, on the protection of copyright and related rights, on the protection of trademarks and service marks, on the protection of consumer rights.
  • The publisher shall not be liable under the agreement for: a) any actions resulting directly or indirectly from the author's actions; b) any losses of the author, regardless of whether the publisher could have foreseen the possibility of such losses or not.
  • The parties shall not be liable for a breach of this agreement if such breach is caused by force majeure circumstances, including actions of public authorities (including adoption of legal acts), fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters, power outages and/or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots, or any other circumstances.
  • The author guarantees that the text of the manuscript does not contain any technical or software modifications aimed at the incorrect operation of the text analysis systems for the presence of borrowings (artificial overestimation of the percentage of originality by technical or software means). In case the editorial board discovers such modifications, the manuscript sent by the author is not to be published, the publisher's services are considered performed in full, no refund is made to the author. If any modifications are found after the publication of the article, it is subject to immediate withdrawal with the notification of all interested persons about this fact. The author undertakes to compensate all the costs incurred by the publisher in connection with the retraction of the article.
  • Published articles that violate the norms of scientific publication ethics may be retracted unilaterally by the publisher. In this case, the publisher's services are considered performed in full.